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The History of Photocopiers

The History of Photocopiers
In 1947, Haloid Corporation put this process into practice on a commercial basis, renamed it “xerography” and registered the name “Xerox”. 

The photocopier was born. 
A number of other manufacturers appeared during the 20th century: Ricoh, Minolta, Toshiba, Canon, Konica, Sharp…
 Photocopiers have been constantly evolving, adapting to the needs and expectations of users. 
The photocopier has become part of our natural office landscape. Its functions are continuing to evolve, allowing us now to copy, print, fax, scan, or send emails. It can be used in a network or for personal printing. 
It has become an essential tool in all areas of activity. 
Since its foundation in 1994, CM Solutions has constantly endeavoured to offer you models using high-end printing systems that combining performance with functions and meet the requirements of your business. 

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